Trish Lewis

Hello everyone and welcome! My name is Trish and I look forward to seeing you on your mat! As a student coming to my class, I want you to feel welcomed by the community. Come as you are- excited, tired, nervous, content, and everything in between- knowing that there is a space for all of it. I would like my students to transcend feelings of self-doubt and move to a place of unconditional love and self-acceptance. Trust your process and always leave feeling accomplished, refreshed, and at peace. I enjoy teaching students of all levels. My various teacher trainings and personal style involves descriptive cueing that is great for those who are new to a yoga practice, as well as those who are more experienced on the mat and looking to refine their foundational knowledge.

My yoga journey began in 2017. I was drawn to the physical practice and enjoyed challenging myself on the mat with new postures, sequences, and styles of yoga. I loved being a part of the yoga community and felt deeply connected to many of the students and teachers who I crossed paths with. I was eager to deepen my practice and (eventually) share it with others through teaching. I received my first 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at the Yoga Cure studio in Troy, NY (Hot Revolution, 26&2). I have also completed Radiance Yoga’s 200-hour teacher training program. I am interested in the connection between a yoga practice and mental wellness and as such, have gained additional experience and trainings within that realm. All of which I attempt to incorporate into my life and interactions with others both on and off the mat!   

Since I have begun practicing and teaching yoga, I have learned to be present and aware of myself in new and life changing ways. I have also formed bonds with some amazing & inspiring students and teachers alike. If you are looking for a safe and welcoming space experience the transforming benefits of a yoga practice, I hope to see you on your mat at the studio soon!


Becca Pitts


Rob Hyde