Becca Pitts

Hi, I’m Becca 👋🏼 🙂

I began practicing yoga online in 2020. This time of my life seems so distant compared to today. Today, I can confidently say yoga saved my life 🥹🙏🏼

When I first started practicing - I felt the need to show up fiercely, ferociously, and sometimes brutally… little did I know that I tend to recreate this pattern in most areas of my life. 

I began Yoga Teacher Training at Radiance in 2022. This has allowed me to slow down, remain present and to practice the 8 limbs of yoga on a daily basis. 

I have to remind myself these principles every time I show up on my mat:

💠 Asana is only 1/8 of my guideline on how to live a more meaningful and purposeful life. 

💠 YES, through the practice of asanas, I develop the habit of discipline and the ability to concentrate. 

💠 BUT, Yoga is so so SO much more than just the physical practice. 

It's about listening to your body and tuning into your deepest self. It’s important to carve out time to serve ourselves, honor what we feel and breathe out the tension in our bodies. Our body is our home, a place where we should feel safe and be able to retreat. To step away from the day to day thoughts and just observe. To see where your body is today, find acceptance for that, and to unconditionally love yourself regardless if your heels touch the mat in downward dog. 

In my classes, I encourage students to slow down and become keenly aware of how their body is responding. I remind students to honor when their body, mind and soul need to rest. I try to lead by example, but, most often, I’m teaching the things that I’ve also been neglecting. Teaching has vehemently become something that ignited the fire within me. It has also become the one thing that helps me find stillness in this wild world. It reminds me that sometimes, we simply just need to surrender 💗🗝️


Heather Luciani


Trish Lewis