Leila Girard

My first yoga class was in high school. I hate to say it but I didn’t connect with the teacher, I had a hard time following her cues, and left before savasana. I didn’t go back for about 5 or 6 years until I’d graduated from college and was searching for something to guide me through the haze of my early 20s. I signed up for a slow vinyasa class and fell in love with the body-breath connection, the discipline, and the opportunity to no push my body and mind even further. After moving back to the Berkshires a few years ago, I found Radiance and the rest is history! I completed the 200-Hour training in Spring 2023 and am so excited to be teaching alongside this incredible community.

My favorite part of a yoga class is that moment when you can feel the whole room collectively relax and exhale as they let the stress of their day melt off their shoulders. My classes are music-forward and blend hard work with deep relaxation and restoration! You can expect to work hard and play hard as you find balance and equilibrium within yourself in my Power and Restore classes.

My favorite asanas are the “familiar poses” that offer you the experience to find something new within yourself. Maybe it’s how your breath feels in Warrior 2 or how strong you feel doing that 10th chaturanga. Maybe it’s slowing down to appreciate stillness in savasana. I love holding space for students to surprise themselves and learn something new about their body, their mind, or their practice. 

I can’t wait to see you on the mat!


Cayla Pagano


Heather Luciani