4 Simple Ways to Embrace the Energy of Summer Solstice

by Abby Geurds RYT 200 & Shannon McCasland E-RYT 500 &

Ahh, it is among us again...the Summer Solstice! The longest, brightest day of the year. The time when the sunshine hits our face, we have a little more pep in our step, and you can feel the breeze refreshing you, giving you the okay to slow down, relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

For many, the Summer Solstice is an exciting turning point in the year. It’s a time to look back at the seeds we planted in the spring and continue nourishing ourselves in the ways we need. While the season brings light, energy and action, it’s important to balance that energy and practice patience, self care and rest as we continue to grow.

Here are some great ways to both soak up and balance the energy of summer on and off of the mat:

Spend Time Outside

Make it a goal to spend intentional time outside everyday. Whether it’s a planned activity or just a few breaths while sitting in the sunshine, let the sun kiss your skin and allow its energy to nourish you. Here’s a few of our favorite ways to get outside and soak up the sun:

  1. Go for a short walk. Move slowly, focus on your breath and sun on your skin.

  2. Spread out a blanket or find your favorite hammock and take nap.

  3. Read a book outside.

  4. Go for a hike.

  5. Take your shoes off and feel the grass beneath your feet.

  6. Find an outdoor show or event. Bring a chair, sit and enjoy!

Practice Sun Salutations

Unite your breath with movement to center your mind, energize your body and honor the day you are living with sun salutations! This doesn’t have to be a long or complicated practice. If you’re new to yoga and sun salutations, try this half sun salutations practice:

  1. Stand tall in mountain pose, bring your hands to heart center and pause for 3 full breaths in and out.

  2. Inhale, circle the arms open and overhead. Stretch as tall as you can, welcoming new breath and space inward.

  3. Exhale, gently bend the knees, hinge at your hips and fold forward with a long spine. Allow your fingers to graze your shins, blocks or the floor.

  4. Inhale, lift and lengthen the spine to a flat back bringing your fingertips to shins or blocks. Engage the core to support your spine and keep the eyes looking just a few inches in front of you on the floor to keep the back of the neck long.

  5. Exhale, empty your breath as you fold forward and let the weight of your head, neck and shoulders spill downward.

  6. Inhale, bend your knees, lift through the heart and drive into your strong legs to stand reaching your arms overhead.

  7. Exhale, bring your hands together and down to the heart center.

  8. Pause for 3 deep breaths in mountain pose and repeat as many times as you like.

Or make up a flow of your own! Whatever you do, try it in the sunshine, close your eyes and truly connect with how you’re feeling, rather than what you think it ‘should’ look like.

Write or Repeat “I am” affirmations

Affirmations are a simple yet powerful way to rewire our brains to both visualize and take action towards what we desire in our lives. Make it a daily practice to write or repeat the affirmations below or create some of your own.

I am strong.

I am capable.

I am patient.

I am nourishing myself.

I am growing.

Practice Gratitude

Writing down what you are grateful for in a journal each morning is a GREAT way to see the beauty in every day. Our favorite way to practice is by writing down 3-5 things you are grateful for that happened in the past 24 hours. This keeps you focused on the little things, such as coffee in bed or the smell of fresh cut grass, and helps you to slow down and recognize how beautiful life is even on the tougher days.

You can also celebrate with Radiance on Sunday, June 19 at 5pm during a special Summer Solstice Power + Restore team-taught by Shannon Cook + Abby Geurds. Sign-up now to enjoy journaling, movement, restorative yoga and meditation - the perfect way to balance energy for any exciting summer plans ahead!

The Summer Solstice is on June 21, 2022, and it just so happens to also be the International Day of Yoga. Take some time to remind yourself what intentions you had in spring, and how you can allow this next step of nourishment to fuel your action as you progress through the summer months.

Happy Summer, sweet yogis!☀️


7 Ways to Practice Yoga Without a Mat