Nicole Simonelli

I first started yoga in college after wanting to try it for several years but never thinking I would be “good enough” at the practice and would be disappointed in myself. That mindset melted away immediately after my first class, and I fell in love with yoga. The way I felt after and during my practice, yoga has developed into a daily practice for me is one of my favorite habits I have formed. I teach because this is something that I love, and I want to teach others to feel the same love I have developed for my practice and for myself through this journey. I will be your guide to love yourself up, trying something new paired with something familiar and comforting.

I began teaching this year after completing my 200-hour YTT through Radiance this winter. I wanted to become a yoga teacher since I found the practice, but I never went forward with it and I am so glad I did.

I love to teach slow, strong, and creative flows. I enjoy teaching a class that makes you feel confident and challenged. Strong poses with long holds, rinsed out with a slow and juicy vinyasa flow, building strength and heat, is my jam. I personally enjoy practicing inversions! I love challenging myself and surprising myself with something I did not think I was capable of. I invite you to join me on the mat! I teach early morning classes and I would love to guide you through a yummy wake up flow, leaving you feeling ready to take on your day feeling good physically and mentally. See you on the mat!


Bridget Rigas


Deanna Nesti